As CEO, Do You Safeguard Your Company’s Data And Your Customer’s Private Information BETTER THAN Equifax, Yahoo and Target Did?

If the answer is “No”
— and let’s be honest, the answer IS No —
you are leaving yourself and your company open to
Just like THEY did.

There’s a GIANT BULLSEYE right on your back.

Why? Because as CEO, you are hackers’ #1 target. They know you have access to financials, employee records, company data and all that juicy customer information — social security numbers, credit card numbers, birth dates, home addresses, emails, etc.

Don’t kid yourself. Cyber criminals and hackers will stop at NOTHING to steal your credentials. And once they have your password(s), it’s only a matter of time until they destroy your business, scare away your customers and ruin your professional and personal life.

As CEO, It’s YOUR Responsibility To Protect Your Company,
Your Employees And ESPECIALLY Your Customers

This isn’t a scare tactic. The liability for you as CEO is 100% REAL. After a data breach, the dominoes fall. Fines. Lawsuits. Audits. And once the press gets wind of it… bye-bye customers.

Equifax’s CEO thought they were safe: 143 million consumers’ information STOLEN.
Target’s CEO believed they were protected: 41 million credit card numbers STOLEN.
Yahoo’s CEO thinks they did everything they could: 3 BILLION accounts HACKED.
These industry giants spend MILLIONS on IT security. They have massive IT teams who work around the clock ensuring they are safe and secure. So, if THEY got hacked, so can you and your organization!

As CEO, you take actions every day to grow your business, grow customer relations and grow your profits. But avoiding this ONE SIMPLE 4-SECOND ACTION can put ALL of that at risk.

Why Not Take 4 Seconds Now To Protect Yourself,
Protect Your Company And Protect Your Customers

We have NEVER offered this FREE Dark Web Scan. But because data breaches are such a real threat today — 1 in 3 small- to medium-sized businesses are on the Dark Web — we must be proactive in stopping the threat.

Our 100% FREE and 100% confidential Exclusive CEO Dark Web Scan is your first line of defense. Simply fill out the form on this page with your name and company email address (yes, it has to be your company email), and we’ll perform our Dark Web analysis.

The Risks Are Real!

$150 MILLION — That’s what the average cost of a SINGLE data breach will exceed by 2020.
2 BILLION in JUST 6 MONTHS — That’s how many records were LOST or STOLEN in data breaches in 2017.
60% of businesses CLOSE THEIR DOORS after a cyber attack.
ONE-HALF of small businesses have already experienced data breaches in the last 12 months.

Within just 24 hours, you’ll have your report. Hopefully it will be ALL CLEAR and you can breathe easy and resume your CEO obligations. If your company, your profits and your customers are AT RISK, we’ll simply dig a little deeper to make sure you’re protected.

Don’t let this happen to you, your employees and your customers.
Fair Warning: What To Expect If You IGNORE This FREE Exclusive CEO Dark Web Scan…
The second you get word there’s been a Cyber Attack on YOUR watch, your whole company shifts into damage control…

Post Data Breach Response: Inbound communications, massive investigation and legal fees account for about $1.56 MILLION in response costs.

Customers Bail: Yes, they will leave in droves. Especially if THEIR information is compromised. Expect to pay $4.13 MILLION in loss of customers cost.

Detection and Escalation: This includes forensic and investigative activities, crisis team management, audit services and more. The average U.S. business paid $1.07 MILLION.


Of course, all this time… you’re NOT marketing, NOT selling, NOT bringing in revenue.

What’s worse, as CEO, YOU get ALL the blame. Not your IT team. Certainly not the cyber criminal. All eyes are on YOU. You must face your customers, your stockholders, your employees and tell them how YOU cost them their money, their time and their trust.

But that doesn’t have to be your fate…
you can do something about it THIS VERY SECOND!

Simply take 4 seconds and reserve your FREE Dark Web Scan below — It’s only for CEOs and company executives.

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